Friday, February 25, 2022

John Kerry Worries About the Climate in Russia/Ukraine

As Russian tanks encircle Kyiv, former US secretary of state and presidential candidate (2004) John Kerry has once again stepped out of the shadows and proven what a total boob he is. To him, the current crisis is all about climate. The below article from Fox has a video clip of what he told an Arab interviewer.

Note the look of concern on the face of the female interviewer as Kerry prattles on about the climate and the potential loss of focus on the climate that the Russian invasion entails. Is it because she really cares about the thawing of the region or because she realizes she is in the presence of a lunatic? I suspect the latter.

Much like Joe Biden, Kerry is a clown who always thinks he's the smartest guy in the room, which he is not. He has gotten to where he is not through excellence but mere longevity in the Senate. So now he is Biden's Climate Czar, whatever that is, and he wields power because, after all, he is John Kerry.

And with all the misery in Ukraine and danger that the world faces, this boob is worried about the effect of the war on Climate! You wonder why people like Putin are making their moves now? This is why. Everywhere Putin looks, he sees people like John Kerry, Joe Biden, and the feckless boobs who are running Western Europe. God help us!


  1. Considering that there are conservative politicians and pundits who are actively supporting Russia (including Trump, who praised Putin for being clever), it's amazing how THIS is the thing that gets you writing about this mess.

    Do you think that Ukraine would be any safer if Trump was still in charge?

    This is the problem with today's so-called "conservatives". There's nothing conservative about you. You're all a bunch of regressive authoritarians.

  2. Oh, stop it! You are actually writing about something else. The theme of this post was to poke fun at John Kerry, who is a dope. That this guy would be wringing his hands about the Climate issue when discussing Ukraine is absurd. But you guys on the left keep bringing up Trump.

    I never supported Russia, and if you really research this blog you will see that I don't spend much time on Trump especially now that he is no longer president. You sound like Hillary Clinton. You want to blame Trump for this mess.
