Friday, January 28, 2022

The Idiocy of Clarence Reams aka Abdul Alim Musa

Hat tip Memri TV and CNS News

Abdul Alim Musa (born Clarence Reams) is a Washington DC-based imam who started As-Sabiqun, a super-extreme version of Islam made up of fellow lunatics and assorted bad hombres. He is also a convicted drug trafficker who absconded to Algeria and other parts before winding up in a prison in the US where he converted to Islam. 

Musa aka Reams hates Jews, Israel, and America in no particular order. He is a friend of the mullahs in Iran and has been interviewed by Iran's Press TV. I watched the video of it once and I got the impression that even his Iranian interviewers thought he was a complete crackpot-which he is.

He is also a total idiot-which I told him to his face after seeing him speak at the UC Irvine campus back in 2006 or 7. It was this event that got me to become an activist and blogger.

Memri TV has obtained a video of Musa speaking to his flock on August 27, 2021, shortly after the bomb explosion at Kabul airport as our military was dealing with the chaos of thousands of Afghans trying to get out of the country. Musa's thinking is that it wasn't Islamic terrorists who carried out the attack; no, it was those Zionists.

Here is a 5-minute clip of Musa's ramblings via CNS News.

Fousesquawk comment: There is no point in trying to pick apart Musa's crazy claims except to make one point: In this clip, he makes the claim that, "ain't no white man that lived a moral life in the United States...." Keep in mind, this man was a drug trafficker-a convicted drug trafficker.

And this is also a man who the Muslim Student Union of UC Irvine brought to campus to rant and rave about Israel-on more than one occasion.


  1. Sorry that this is irrelevant to this particular post, but since you post about anti-Semitic matters, I thought that you would be equally troubled/disturbed by the recent banning of the graphic novel "Maus" in Tennessee. (If you have never read it, I heartily recommend it.)

  2. I have never read Maus though I have seen it in book stores. In general, I am against banning books, but I would have to read it to decide whether it is appropriate for certain age groups based on violence, nudity, naughty words etc. Yes, the Holocaust must be taught in schools.

  3. I've read it, and I have no problem giving it to middle or high school students. Whatever "inappropriate" (a subjective term) material in there pales in comparison to the horror of the subject matter. (But even setting that aside, it's pretty mild.)

    I find the removal of it, especially in context of the other books that are getting banned, to be pretty suspicious and problematic.
