Monday, August 2, 2021

Netherlands: Dutch-Yazidi Foundation Seeks Justice for Yazidi Victims of ISIS Women

Hat tip Geenstijl. Translation by Fousesquawk.

As Western European nations (inexplicably) grasp with the question over whether they should repatriate ISIS women who voluntarily left Europe to join their men fighting for ISIS in Iraq and Syria, a Dutch-Yazidi woman is fighting to ensure that Yazidi victims tell their stories and to prove that ISIS women did much more than simply take care of the babies and cook for their menfolk.

The below article from the Dutch blog, Geenstijl is translated by Fousesquawk. It features a video in English explaining the mission.

Dutch Yazidi women hunt IS-women

Just an interview to forget the forgotten victims and forgotten perpetrators a little less

Pari Ibrahim, a Dutch-Yazidi woman, with her international foundation, is hunting for ISIS women and evidence that they did more than cook, wash dishes, and change diapers. Going to the slave market, buying slaves themselves, forcing them into a household, and preparing the slaves to be raped, for example. Pari: "With Yazidis, the information on perpetrators is burned into their souls, their names and (physical) characteristics. Our team is very good at collecting the data, so that justice officials can build a case. That can take years. But we are ensuring that none of the perpetrators can sleep peacefully."

However, the burden of proof seldom gets through to a Dutch court. "We work day and night. Bit by bit, we hear more stories. Some victims have to this day not spoken. We do interviews and ask: What names can you remember? What did they look like, what language did they speak? Evidentiary material collected by our foundation is shared with European prosecutors."

We brought one back on the red carpet on June 4, and 6 more are waiting. According to the AIVD, 30 more Dutch ISIS women are sitting in Kurdish camps. If they only get their own play. Then the Yazidis. 

Pari: "Your blood boils when you see that the most serious group of perpetrators that we know, their co-perpetrators, get a podium to proclaim that they are pathetic victims, while they know very well what was happening. Women went to the slave market, paid for slaves with their own money, forced them to do the household work, or prepared them for rape. Our goal is to make sure that ISIS (people) don't get away with their crimes. Thus can the Yazidis finally get justice." Impossible all of them.

Caption beneath photo: Women at Kurdish ISIS prisoner camp Al Hol.

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