Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Austria Is Swarmed With Asylum-Seekers

Hat tip Unzensuriert. Translation by Fousesquawk.

"Women and children" arriving in Austria.


It may seem on the surface that Austria is flying under the radar when it comes to the migration issue, resultant crime, and terrorism in Europe. Yet, last November, a Muslim terrorist with North Macedonian citizenship killed four people in Vienna. We have also reported on the situation with Chechen "moral guards" enforcing Sharia law on their women. And yet, the feckless government seemingly cannot stop the flow of mostly Muslim young men into the country even though it supposedly "closed the borders" due to the Covid crisis. The below article from the conservative Austrian site, Unzensuriert, has some statistics which may surprise you.

Caption: Still in vivid memory: 2015/16 tens of thousands of illegals stormed our country. If the interior minister still cannot protect our borders, we will soon be back.

"Closed borders" are only for Austrians: New Asylum record in the first quarter of 2021

In the flood of daily media Corona numbers game-and fear-making mode, other, potentially much more dangerous reports are lost- some from the area of massively increasing illegal migration to Austria. The assurances of  ÖVP-interior minister Karl Nehammer aside, the "social travelers", particularly in the past year, did not adhere to his "total border closure" and came in large numbers and largely unhindered into the country. 14,200 asylum applications were counted to the end of the year, the first increase since 2015, and then by an impressive 12% (versus 2019). 

In March, 90% more illegals than last year

It is likely to get worse this year, as even the Kurier cannot conceal. By the end of the first quarter, end of March. according to the Federal Interior Ministry, there were already 5,024 applications nationwide-that is an increase from the previous year of an impressive 42%. In a monthly comparison, there were, in March 2021, 90% more illegal social migrants as opposed to March 2020, who merrily streamed over the "closed" borders of our land.

In spite of the end of the war, Syrians continue to lead the way

And it is always the same, those who come. Also this year, the lion's share are the Syrians (2, 267 applications), who have the greatest chance of recognition although the civil war in Syria in a wide part of the country is, for a year, almost ended and the bombed county needs every young man for the rebuilding of houses, businesses, and infrastructure. Because it is mostly young men who seek our protection (82% of those who traveled here).

It is almost all Muslim males

And it is almost without exception Muslims (who are) hardly compatible with our Western value system. Behind the Syrians are the Afghans and Moroccans (the latter have little chance of  asylum, but are no longer accepted by their country in case of deportation.) Behind that are found Iraqis, Turks, and Somalis. 554 of the uninvited guests were (allegedly) "unaccompanied minors".

Suspension of asylum rights as the only way out

What that means for the security of our country and our citizens is reported regularly by Unzensuriert. The only way out of this hopeless situation would be long-demanded (unfortunately only) by the  FPÖ, the suspension of asylum rights, which, with the prevailing pandemic in the face of unvetted and uncontrolled travelers, in the sense of public health, should be easy to argue.

Austria has the most illegals in the EU, Hungary the fewest

In addition, the economic migrants cross several safe countries on their way to the most lucrative European social paradises before they reach Austria. Speaking of Austria. While the asylum numbers have risen exorbitantly in Austria in spite of  "Corona closures", in the rest of the EU, they have significantly fallen in the previous year (416,000 applications in the 27 member nations, the lowest since 2013). Every fourth application succeeded in Germany, (by the way, which is exclusively surrounded by safe countries). The lowest number of illegal entries was Hungary.

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