Friday, November 27, 2020

The November 2 Terror Attack in Vienna: Intended Target Was Church

On November 2, a jihadist terrorist opened fire in the heart of Vienna killing four and wounding 23 before being shot and killed by police. Today, it is being reported that the actual intended target of the terrorist was a group of youths holding a prayer service in a Catholic Church. The below article from is translated by Fousesquawk.

Terrorist had Catholic Youth Group in Sights

The background of attack warnings on local churches is frightening: Because the ISIS-killer wanted to cause a bloodbath during an evening prayer of the Catholic Youth group in the Ruprecht Church on the night of terror in Vienna. The Islamist failed (to get through) the closed door, however, due to a timer lock...........

As reported, Interior Minister Karl Nehammer (ÖVP)  in connection with Advent and the Christmas season, strengthened the protection of local churches. The details behind the security alarm are-despite the silence of the prosecutor's office- shocking: Because according to "Krone" investigation, 17 children, specifically, the Catholic Youth Group, escaped catastrophe by a hair! 

Terrorist wanted to cause a massacre in the church

While they were holding a-not public-prayer hour in the Ruprecht Church in the heart of Vienna, the ISIS-killer wanted to break in with an assault rifle and pistols. However, he failed- due to a time-locked entrance. Seconds later, the attacker, was "taken out" with one shot by WEGA agents in front of the oldest church in the city. The "Investigative Group 2 November" interviewed the shocked women and children.

Meanwhile, it has been announced that the interim report of the Commission on the possible breakdowns investigated by anti-terror forces will be made public before Christmas.

Archdiocese spokesman: "You reacted with presence of mind"

The spokesman of the Vienna Archdiocese, Michael Prüller, on Friday afternoon, described the situation on the evening of the terror attack. The 17 youths escaped the attacker by turning off the lights when the first shots were fired. "You reacted with presence of mind and hid," Prüller further reported. The youths stayed hidden in the darkness until 2:30 am on Tuesday. Then the police gave the all-clear that the 17 girls and boys could go home.


Fousesquawk comment:

Make no mistake. From the murders of French priests to the desecration of Christian statues and churches themselves in countries throughout Western Europe, Christianity in Europe is under attack by Muslim migrants, asylum-seekers, refugees, or whatever you call them. And as long as these new arrivals are there, the problem is not going to go away. Only by chance were 17 children saved from a massacre only because they were Christians.

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