Monday, June 22, 2020

The Pogrom in L.A.

Hat tip Frontpage Magazine

One of the most under-reported incidents in the entire George Floyd aftermath-if not the most under-reported-was the literal anti-Jewish pogrom that occurred May 30th in the Fairfax district of Los Angeles, a traditionally Jewish area of the city. Synagogues were vandalized, shops were broken into and looted, and night-riders-not the KKK-type-but night-riders, nonetheless, drove down the streets shouting, "F the Jews" and Kill the Jews". Many of these perpetrators were black and represented the Black Lives Matter movement. That is the reason, the incident has been under-reported. That has also been true for many quarters of the Jewish leadership, who would rather tolerate and bury anti-Semitism from certain quarters because it doesn't fit into the politically-correct narrative. While the windows were being broken and synagogues defaced, the LA Jewish Journal was running articles asking how Jews could be better allies to the black community.

Daniel Greenfield is one of those commentators who is not afraid to speak out against haters of any stripe. Thus, he has been one of the most vocal reporters of the pogrom that occurred in LA in the name of Black Lives Matter. In this latest article in Frontpage Magazine, Greenfield informs us that a BLM leader in Los Angeles, made some very interesting comments about taking the "struggle" to certain neighborhoods.

"Melina Abdullah, the lead organizer of Black Lives Matter in LA and a professor of Pan-African Studies at Cal State, had been very clear about her motive for bringing her hateful campaign to the area.
"We've been very deliberate in saying that the violence and pain and hurt that's experienced on a daily basis by black folks at the hands of a repressive system should also be visited upon, to a degree, to those who think that they can just retreat to white affluence," the BLM-LA co-founder ranted."
And so they came to Fairfax.
As we have our "national discussion" on race (which, to be honest, we have been having since the 1960s), the black community, which is plagued with many problems, should also come to terms with its own prejudices including anti-Semitism. To be sure, anti-Semitism is not just a black problem; it affects almost all peoples, and we should never leave the odious Antifa out of the discussion. 
Americans and Europeans of many races have bought into the Palestinian victim narrative that has brought a resurgence of anti-Semitism not just to America but the rest of the world where Jews have any presence. (There are few Jews left in the Arab world after having been driven out in the late 40s when Israel was created, but Jew-hatred there is hardly in short supply.) Part of the West's surrender to Islam is joining in the bashing of Israel and tolerating attacks against Jews on European and American streets. Somewhere in the mix in the US are the KKK-type, neo-Nazis, and white nationalists, but contrary to the leftist propaganda, they are a fringe minority. Jew hatred on the left is today's biggest threat, a feature of the so-called red-green alliance.
And so we have people like Melina Abdullah and BLM, the latter becoming some kind of national mantra; ("Amazon stands in solidarity with Black Lives Matter".)  One thing BLM did very successfully was to adopt a name that no decent person could argue against as a concept. Of course,  black lives matter. All lives matter. Oops, can't say that because it is "racist". If we say blue lives matter (our police) that is also "racist".
So now we have people who call themselves Black Lives Matter attacking whites, attacking Jews, and attacking police while being celebrated by everybody even a bit to the left. Call me naive, but I still believe in my heart of hearts that there are some, if not many, blacks marching peacefully under the banner of BLM, but they are being used by the ones behind the peaceful protesters who would rather throw rocks, and burn down stores.
And that also pertains to Antifa, overwhelmingly white and just a bunch of anarchistic thugs (some of whom have PhDs, by the way).
It comes down to this: When a cop in Minneapolis kills a handcuffed man with a tactic that no law enforcement academy teaches, people are right to be outraged and demand justice. Justice is in progress. People are right to march and protest. Police forces all over the country, no doubt cursing what that cop in Minneapolis did, are protecting the right of people to protest, but taking a lot of unjustified abuse in the process.
But when you turn to violence, burning, looting attacking people because they are white or Jewish, that must also be called out. What happened in the Fairfax district was a hate crime. Had white racists rode through a black neighborhood, vandalizing churches, attacking innocent people, and yelling, "F the blacks" or "kill the blacks", we would all condemn them. Unless you believe in double standards, this must also be condemned.

To say that black lives matter is something we can all get behind. Those who point out the black on black murders that rampage through black communities, especially Chicago, have a point. Those who point out the huge percentage of black babies aborted every year and the astronomical number of lost human lives have a point. What does Black Lives Matter, the movement have to say about that? Crickets. 

Black Lives Matter, like it's sister organization, Antifa (Anti-Fascist), is a fraud hiding behind what sounds like a noble name. We can all be against fascism and support the concept that black lives matter, but we do not have to support these two despicable organizations, who have perverted their own names.

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