Monday, June 22, 2020

Clueless in Seattle

There is a blogger in Seattle by the name of Richard Silverstein, and his blog is called Tikun Olam, which in Hebrew means, "repair the world". But before you run out to Ace Hardware and ask them if they have any Tikun Olam, you might want to check out the utter nonsense found in Silverstein's blog. (You can find it linked here under the heading, "Fiction section".)

I have been periodically checking out Richard's site for humorous articles, and he rarely disappoints though my visits amount to about once a year or so. I occasionally send in a wise guy comment, but he won't post them. Usually, Richard is railing against Israel and supporting all those "peace-loving Palestinians". But now the cause du jour is BLM and Antifa, and Richard is right in the thick of things in Seattle, the city that never sleeps  has a clue.

So it was when I decided to check in with Richard to see how life in Chaz Chop was going.  This posting was dated over a week ago, but according to Richard, things were going just ducky up there in the socialist paradise.  "Summer of love", is what Seattle's daffy major is calling it.

"Seattle Police Chief Carmen Best continues to feed outrageous lies to right-wing national media about the Capitol Hill neighborhood here, which has “liberated” its police Precinct after days of mass police violence targeting local residents."

"The chief peddled a continuous parade of lies including claims there were armed protesters on the streets extorting “tribute” from local businesses. She also complained to her rank and file that the withdrawal from the Precinct was a shameful capitulation to protesters; and that the decision was made against her will.  The latest outrage is a claim that police must return to East Precinct because there are rapes and robberies in the neighborhood which they can’t investigate."
"The Department’s own crime statistics show there have been no rapes or robberies reported in the neighborhood for the past week, which is the period in which the police riots and Chaz were declared."
I could go on and on, but you get the picture.
Then this happened:

Keep your head down, Richard.

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