Saturday, February 22, 2020

Update on Death of Philip Haney

For some strange reason, the mainstream media has still not picked up on the reports of Philip Haney's death. Gateway Pundit is reporting that the County Sheriff in Amador County, California are stating that at this point, they believe Haney's death to be a suicide though the investigation is continuing.

Haney's wife had died of cancer in 2019, but he was engaged to be re-married. Many of his friends, including one I talked to today, say that he was extremely upbeat and cannot believe he would have killed himself. Naturally, we will follow this story.

*Update: This story has now been reported by Fox News.


  1. Nice to see some one else on this topic. Not many are that I've run across and as you note, FOX if running the story. Not so much with the other MSM. Big surprise there, eh?
    Best to ya.
    Drakes Place

  2. I have been plowing this story about Haney from the start. Frankly speaking, I think the suicide is Fake News and the Sheriff was wrong to make that conclusion, that fast. The psychology behind a suicide is not present, as Haney appeared happy with pleasant experiences in his future. A Tweeter person posted that Haney had a note stating he was not suicidal and if he was killed, i5 would not be suicide and he had lots of information on the Obama administration.


  3. The consensus among those who knew and work with Phil in counter jihad say that he was in good spirits. Though his wife had died from cancer last year, he was engaged to be married. Let's hope the police take a close look at this considering the enemies he had. I am not jumping to any conclusions, but a through investigation is called for.
