Saturday, February 22, 2020

UK: The Face of Poilitical Correctness

Hat tip Vlad Tepes

Members of a grooming gang convicted of abusing girls in Huddersfield
-The Independent (UK)

We know that in these recent high profile cases, where people convicted have been disproportionately from a Pakistani background."

As more and more cases of sex grooming (rape and forced prostitution) in the UK unfold with (belated) arrests and prosecutions, the British government is being accused of covering up information that basically shows what everybody now knows.

It's not just the nationality (Pakistani) factor that is so politically sensitive. It is even more the religious factor. These offenders are virtually all Muslim. Even more disconcerting, most of them believe that their actions are allowed by Islamic teachings. Many of the rapists have told that to their victims as the victims themselves have reported. These victims are non-Muslim, British girls. In the minds of the violators, they are just whores and there to be taken. We are not talking about a couple of isolated cases. This is going on in many parts of Britain.

Again, I take care to point out that not all Muslim men and not all Pakistani men are guilty of this. But the numbers don't lie. That's why the British government is eager to keep this under wraps. A serious and in-depth discussion of the problem of sexual grooming in Britain would immediately lead to some very inconvenient truths.

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