Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Sweden Is Being Humiliated (Part 3)

Hat tip Ullis News (SE). Translation by Kronans Martell, editing by Gates of Vienna, sub-titling by Vlad Tepes

This is my third posting on the outrageous case of two migrant youths who robbed, beat, and urinated on a  Swedish boy recently. In this news report, a Swedish policewoman is interviewed about the case and the larger problem of similar incidents.

Of course, the word Muslim, immigrant, or any nationality is never mentioned. Now the politically-correct  term is "vulnerable areas". That means no-go zones inhabited by Muslims where ordinary Swedes dare not enter. That is where the perpetrators come from. I listen to this policewoman prattle on about corrective measures that mean absolutely nothing, and I can only conclude that she has no clue or just can't risk her job by clearly stating what the problem is.

The solution is clear: Close the borders and start showing zero tolerance for this scum. Round up the criminals, the radicals, and the troublemakers, and either put them in jail or send them back where they came from. This applies all over Europe. Then the Europeans and the legitimate, law-abiding, assimilated immigrants who are contributing to their new societies can all live together in harmony and safety.


  1. The solution is clear: etc.

    Thank you for this clarity. Someday Europe will wake up.

  2. "Those Who Can NOT Remember The Past(at least in other countries), Are Condemned To Repeat It." SWEDEN; Grow some balls! (Israel wouldn't put up with that.(Or China, N. Korea, etc & etc.)
