Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Geert Wilders Schools the Dutch Parliament

Hat tip Gates of Vienna

Geert Wilders, the political leader of the Freedom Party in the Netherlands, has once again stuck his neck out and told his Parliament what they will not admit. They can talk about anti-Semitism, which is for the second time since World War II, a serious problem, but they dare not mention the greatest cause, which is the explosion of Muslim immigration into the country.

And so it is all over Western Europe. Jews are in danger and emigrating by the tens of thousands because of the explosion of Muslim immigrants in one form or another-be they refugees, migrants, asylum-seekers or just climbed over some fence. And it's not because Jews have a distaste for Muslims per se. It's because Muslims are attacking them, the Europeans are not protecting them, and the Jews are no longer safe.

As I have said many times before. In the past couple of years, anti-Semitism is finally being discussed in Europe and the US. However, there is a great debate over just who is responsible for most of it. The left wants to blame white nationalists. The greater cause, however, which the left will not admit, is Islamic Jew-hatred. All you have to do is open up the Koran.

Geert Wilders speaks the truth. And for that he has to live under armed guard to protect him from Muslim assassins while also having to defend himself in court for so-called "hate speech".

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