Wednesday, January 10, 2018

UC Berkeley Trying to Defend Visa Overstay Student

This article first appeared in Eagle Rising.

Campus Reform has an interesting report this week about a young UC Berkeley student who was detained by Immigration and Customs officials and held as a visa overstay.

The Daily Californian, the campus newspaper, has more detail. This young man, Luis Mora, is not even a Dreamer. He is a visa overstay from Colombia. Predictably, the Daily Californian publishes an absurd allegation from a student activist that this is some sort of racial issue. Are we now going to lump visa overstays with the Dreamer issue?

It should not be overlooked that former head of DHS, Janet Napolitano, is now the president of the University of California. As such, she has compounded the harm she did at DHS by being an advocate for illegal alien students. Her support of these students has been amply documented by the Campus Reform article.

It is one thing to defend students who were brought to the US as small children by their parents. The case of Luis Mora is much different. Overstaying a visa is every bit as serious a breach of our immigration laws as crossing the border illegally. There are millions of people in this country from all over the world who are in this category. It cannot be tolerated.

The University of California needs to stay out of this and let the law take its course.

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