Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Syrian Imam in N Carolina Slams Jews

Here we have yet another example of a western-based imam sprouting Jew hatred based on the Islamic doctrine that goes back 1400 years as professed by the Prophet Mohammad. Last month in Raleigh, North Carolina, of all places, a Syrian imam named Abdullah Khadra recited that ancient hadith in which Mohammad told of the Day of Judgment when the Jews hid behind trees, and the trees called out to the Muslim, that there was a Jew hiding there and come and kill him.

It seems more and more, ever since President Trump made his announcement about moving our embassy to Jerusalem that the Jew haters in Western mosques are letting it all hang out.

Memri TV has  excerpts from the Friday sermon in which Khadra talks about "Muslim land."


Here is more on Khadra.

Give this guy a few more years in the US and he will be calling North Carolina "Muslim land."

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