Friday, January 26, 2018

Turks and Kurds Fighting in Germany

Hat tip Gates of Vienna

Earlier this week it was Hanover Airport. Now it has spread to Berlin, Stuttgart, and other places as Kurds and Turks run amok on German streets fighting each other due to their ancient hatreds and Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan sending his forces after the Kurds in Syria.

Here are scenes from Stuttgart:


And in the midst of all this, as Germany tries to mark Holocaust Remembrance Day, it is all marred by anti-Jewish outbreaks.

The historical lesson for all this, among other things, is that borders are important.

1 comment:

  1. Like I keep saying, those Arabs and Muslims who object to memorializing the Churban Europa should consider that if not for Hitler, most Ashkenazi Jews would be happily running thriving businesses in Europe, and Zionism would be a handful of socialist communes located on land nobody else really wanted anyway.
