Friday, January 26, 2018

Cher (of All People) Mocks Sarah Sanders

Image result for sarah huckabee sanders

Leave it to Hollywood to provide the hypocrite of all time award. Sunging (no sic) sensation, Cher (last name unknown), is mocking White House press spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders for her looks and dress.

Image result for cher

This Cher?                                                                                   

Image result for cher
Or this Cher?

                                          Image result for cher

Maybe this Cher?

                                       Image result for cher

                                                                               Or this Cher?

I will leave it to Hollywood to think up (yet another) new award to cover this one. They can call it the Hypo.


  1. I think we would both agree that most wh press spokespersons wind up looking bad. I could recall those under Obama, Clinton and Nixon. This gal has to work as Trump's mouthpiece while he changes his statements every day.

    But for a dope like Cher to mock her and especially the way she dresses is absurd.j
