Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Trump Is Right to Cut UNRWA Funding

President Trump's decision this week to cut funding to the UN Relief and Works Agency is a welcome development. This agency was formed in 1950 to specifically support Palestinians, who as a result of the 1948 war became refugees in the West Bank, Gaza and neighboring countries like Jordan and Lebanon. It has become a never-ending funding operation, unique in that it addresses one specific group of refugees.

The US contributes over $330 million dollars annually to this project. In spite of that, we get no love or respect back from the Palestinians, who detest us as allies of Israel. In addition, there is evidence that much of this money is not well spent.

During the last round of fighting in 2014 between Israel and the forces of Hamas in Gaza, it was found that Hamas fighters were using UNRWA schools from which to store and launch rockets and fire at the Israelis much in keeping with their tradition of fighting behind civilians.

Perhaps just as troubling, a number of exposes have revealed that UNRWA schools are teaching small children to hate Israel and worse yet, to hate Jews. These reports have been going on for years. generations of Palestinian children have been taught jihad for the purpose of destroying Israel and driving the evil Jews out. It's in the lessons, and it's in the textbooks. Is this what we are supposed to pay for?

As expected the liberals here in the US are screaming bloody murder. This CBS report tells us that children are in danger of not eating because of the cut in funds from the US.

Typical. No real discussion of how Hamas, the rulers of Gaza, have contributed to the peoples' woes by concentrating on attacking Israel rather than bettering the lives of their citizens. Where is the responsibility of corrupt leaders like Yasir Arafat and Mahmoud Abbas, who have built their own little empires over the decades. And why 70 years after these people became refugees do they and their descendants still languish in these camps that evolved into concrete slums? Exactly what has the Arab world done to assimilate these people and help them stop being refugee "Palestinians" and become productive Arabs? No. Much better for them to have succeeding generations of "Palestinians" as perpetual refugees who will one day re-conquer "Palestine".

Finally, an American president has had the courage to cut the funding to this corrupt and never ending white elephant. It should be cut to zero. And don't worry about the anger coming from the Palestinians. They hate us anyway.

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