Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Interesting Story From Sweden

There isn't much positive to report out of Sweden  these days unless you want to concentrate on mid summer festivals. Here is one that gives a little hope, however. It's the story of an Iranian Muslim woman, Annahita Parsan, who fled to Sweden with her two children to escape an abusive husband, converted to Christianity, and is now a minister in the Church of Sweden. She claims she has been instrumental in converting some 1500 Muslims to Christianity. Of course, she faces deadly risks.

I offer this piece not as an advertisement for Christianity, rather to ask why this woman has to face death threats for leaving Islam and converting Muslims. I know no other religion that reacts this way to its members leaving the flock, converting, or trying to proselytize to Muslims. Of course, we know that Annahita is not a rare case. Far from it. It is all too typical. This is an aspect of Islam-based on Islamic doctrine and the Koran- that must be reformed.

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