Tuesday, January 2, 2018

New Years Eve in France

Hat tip Vlad Tepes and Gates of Vienna

New years Eve in France is a dreaded time of the year. That is because the migrant/immigrant population (not all of course) uses the occasion to riot, burn cars, and attack people. In the below video, a French police woman is attacked by an African mob.

Here is a more detailed report on the incident including reaction from France's useless president Emmanuel Macron.

Due to its colonial history, France has millions of citizens whose family origins are in Africa, (including the Maghreb) and Southeast Asia. Many have integrated into French society and are productive citizens.

Then there are those who have not. Most likely, many of the rioters are more recent arrivals.

Germany is also being wracked in recent years by New Years Eve rioting and sexual assaults against women, most notably in Cologne and Berlin.

The foolish leaders of Western Europe continue to believe that eventually, these people who are arriving by the millions now will assimilate and become productive wage earners, paying the taxes that will support their welfare states as their own populations (which are not reproducing) age and need care. It's not going to work. Within the next decade, what you are going to see in Western Europe is the growth of new ethnic mafias, who will be running the prostitution, drugs and God only knows what else.

The solution? Close the borders and start rounding up and deporting the troublemakers. It would be a massive operation, but their actual  survival is at stake. Follow the lead of the Eastern  Europeans instead of punishing them through the EU.

The current crop of Western European leaders is unwilling to do what is necessary to save their countries and their civilization. It is up to the voters to remove them before it is too late and Europe descends into utter civil war.

This should not be misinterpreted. This is not a call to save white civilization. Europe can have its multi-culturalism by simply vetting who arrives. Latin America and Asia would be a potential supply for honest, hard working immigrants who will assimilate. The same can be said for Africa as long as careful vetting is applied. France itself has many solid citizens of African origin. But the scenes above from New  Years Eve in that Paris suburb have no place in French society. This is not the France I knew. This is not the once safe Europe I knew.

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