Thursday, January 4, 2018

Look Who Gives $$ to Keith Ellison

Keith Ellison, the former member of the House of Representatives (D-MN) and current number 2 man at the DNC, has a documented history as a a supporter of radical Muslims (He is also Muslim and a former member of the Nation of Islam) and anti-semitic statements (He denies he is an anti-semite-just an opponent of Israel). Anybody with half a brain knows where this guy is coming from.

For those with less than half a brain, they need constant reminders that Ellison is a disreputable character masquerading as a responsible official. Thus, I happily cross-post this report showing that he received a $2500 donation from one Taher Herzallah. You can learn all about Herzallah in the below report from the Washington Free Beacon. Now Herzallah has added to his dubious resume by openly advocating violence against Israel.

As an official for American Muslims for Palestine, Herzallah works for UC Berkeley professor Hatem Bazian, the guy who called for an intifada in America. In addition, as pointed out in the article, Herzallah was one of the so-called Irvine 11, who disrupted the Israeli ambassador's speech at UC Irvine in 2010. Yours truly was there. I was also at UC Irvine a few years later when Herzallah and three other "Irvine 11ers" came to speak and be worshipped by the Muslim Student Union as heroes and role models. I asked them during the q and a why, since they had been able to speak without disruption, were they unable to extend that same courtesy and right to Michael Oren, the ambassador. They all proudly responded that they would do the same thing again because Oren was in their eyes a "war criminal". Oren, prior to becoming ambassador, had served in the Israeli Defense Forces in combat, which to the "Irvine 11" makes him a war criminal.

The connection between Herzallah, his despicable organization, and Ellison is instructive.

1 comment:

  1. Not to forget that Keith Ellison also supports the terror group Antifa. An elected public servant that supports a domestic terror group is a huge problem. But remember, Keith was allowed, by the stupids to take the oath of allegiance with a Koran and not a bible. The Koran does not support the U.S. Constitution. He should be admonished in the least or investigated for support of a terrorist group.

