Sunday, January 21, 2018

Linda Sarsour's Inflammatory Words

Hat tip Islamist Watch and Investigative Project on Terrorism

Radical Muslim feminist Linda Sarsour (who doesn't give a damn about the sorry state of Muslim women) is at it again. Last year's Fousesquawk Jerk of the Year spoke at an event hosted by CAIR in San Francisco last month and once again engaged in her inflammatory rhetoric.

The head of San Francisco CAIR, Zahra Billoo, is notorious for having used posters urging Muslims to slam their doors when the police or FBI come calling to gain information about terrorism or radicalism.

And it should always be an embarrassment for anyone to share the stage with Siraj Wahhaj, a notorious hater of this country should advocates for a Muslim takeover of America. CAIR, however, considers him in the words of Hussam Ayloush, the organization's head of Southern California operations, as "one of the most respected religious leaders in America". This of a man who calls our country, a "filthy garbage can".

Siraj Wahhaj

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