Sunday, January 21, 2018

Europeans Fighting Back

Hat tip Gates of Vienna, Vlad Tepes and Egri Nok.

Amid all the gloom in Europe, there are some encouraging signs. This weekend Geert Wilders' Freedom Party in the Netherlands (PVV) held a rally against more Islamic immigration in Rotterdam.

Below is a short video on the rally produced by the PVV.

In Cottbus, Germany, Germans took to the streets to protest two stabbings of Germans by Syrian "refugees" within a week.

In Austria, where the far-right Freedom Party (FPÖ) forms part of a conservative coalition party, a border protection unit is being formed to stem the tide of mass migration across  the country's border.

But there is a cautionary side note. The country's Jewish community is concerned over perceived anti-Jewish sentiment with the Freedom party. They are thus refusing to attend the Holocaust remembrance ceremonies if the FPÖ participates.

Meanwhile, in Finland, here is a short video by Laura Huhtasaari, presidential candidate of the Finns Party.

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