Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Trump's Jerusalem Declaration and the "Explosions" on US Campuses (ME Studies Departments)

Hat tip Algemeiner

Image result for angry arabs
Don't tell me; let me guess. You're angry.

Yes Folks, just as they predicted, President Trump's decision to move our embassy to Jerusalem has led to outrage on the part of our little brothers and sisters in the pro-Palestinian movement. In the Middle East, people are doing what they always have done-kill each other. Of course, largely unreported is the fact that ISIS has been effectively destroyed-at least as far as their "Caliphate" is concerned, which now consists of desert huts, truck caravans, and caves in Syria and Iraq.

In Europe, the restive Middle Eastern refugees, asylum-seekers, migrants, and organ grinders are marching and chanting death to Jews, just as they always have.

Here in the US, we have the usual expressions of outrage coming from the always-outraged Middle East studies professors. Our friend Cinnamon Stillwell has summarized the reactions of most of them including the usual misfit, malcontent group of so-called academics including Juan Cole, Rashid Khalidi, some guy at Cal State Stanislaus who calls himself "the angry Arab", Hatin' Hatem Bazian, and many others.


But what I wanna know is the reaction of UC Irvine professor and distinguished visiting researcher (or whatever he is) at Sweden's Lund University, Mark LeVine. Last seen, he was writing a silly book with ex-Swedish diplomat Matthias Mossberg suggesting a dual Israel-Palestinian state with two governments. And you thought one Big Government was too much.

I guess with Trump's latest move, that idea went out the window, or more appropriately.....

Image result for flushing toilet

As for the others, nobody outside their tiny circle cares what they think. They hate Israel, they hate the West (even while enjoying the fruits of living here), they hate everything. Let'em howl.

1 comment:

  1. The more unprofessional response to the Islamists, America haters and anti-Trump types is: KMA!

