Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Sickening Display of Jew Hatred at Canadian University

Hat tip Canary Mission and Algemeiner

How many times have I written that for European Jews, it is like the 1930s again? How many times have I written that in America, the focal point for Jew hatred is on our university campuses thanks to the Israeli-Palestinian issue? When I say America, you can take that to mean North America because the same situation exists in Canadian universities. That is because in both countries, the pro-Palestinian side rules the discourse. Against any sense of reason, they have made the Israel-Palestinian conflict one of the top hot button issues on our campuses.

With the decision of the Trump administration to move our embassy to Jerusalem, which, after all, is Israel's capital, the Jew-haters have literally busted out of the woodwork. This latest example from Canada's McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario is highly illustrative.

What this goes to show is that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is not about land. Both Jews and Arabs have lived on this land for centuries upon centuries (the Jews being first). This is about religion. The Muslim world from the West Bank and Gaza all the way to Pakistan will never accept a Jewish state in the Middle East. If Israel were a Christian country, it would be the same. That's because hatred of Jews and Christians is deeply embedded within Islam, a hate that has persevered ever since the time of Mohammad.

That hate has transferred itself to the West with the massive migration of Muslims. In Europe, as I have written hundreds of times, Jews cannot walk the streets in Jewish garb and synagogues must be guarded not because of a renascent European hated of Jews, rather because of the presence of Muslims who are making life miserable for Jews. From France to the Netherlands, to Scandinavia, Jews are getting the hell out because Europe will not protect them from the new Muslim presence. Days ago, Germany witnessed the ugliest display of anti-Semitism since Hitler was in charge when hundreds of Muslims protested in front of the US Embassy in Berlin and chanted the old refrain, old Khaybar refrain that warned Jews that the armies of Mohammad were once again on the march and coming to kill them. The same occurred in Sweden and elsewhere. Instead of Nazis in brown shirts, it was Muslim immigrants waving Palestinian, and Turkish flags (among others) while shouting murder and mayhem to Jews. Europeans largely remain silent.

It's enough to make any decent person sick.

But where are the decent people in Europe? Where are the decent politicians? Where are the courageous leaders in North American academia? Where are the campus newspapers? Where are the large metropolitan newspapers decrying all this?

They are missing in action.

And  to make it even sadder, half of the American Jewish leadership is missing in action. That means the ADL, Hillel, the Jewish Federations, and all too many rabbis who will never say a peep about anti-Semitism when it comes from Islamic quarters.

It is time for the West to take a strong moral stand. I am not in favor of treating innocent Muslims in the West in this same manner. However, those who bring back these hateful phrases and sentiments about Jews-our Jews- must understand that it is unacceptable, and that they can take this hate elsewhere. The sentiments being expressed from Berlin to Sweden to New York and to Hamilton, Ontario  have no place in Western society.

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