Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Jew Hatred Returns to Berlin After Jerusalem Embassy Move

Hat tip Gates of Vienna, Egri Nok  and Vlad Tepes

Image result for reichskristallnachtDemonstrators wave Palestinian, Turkish and Syrian flags in front of the Brandenburg Gate, next to the US embassy in Berlin on December 8, 2017, (AFP PHOTO / John MACDOUGALL)

Berlin has not seen such scenes of Jew-hatred since Hitler ruled. In the wake of the US decision to move the embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, Muslims gathered outside the US Embassy by the Brandenburg Gate to roar their anger and included among their odious chants, the old Islamic refrain, "Khaybar, Khaybar O Yahud (Jew), the armies of Mohammad are returning".  The scenes of the ugly demonstration have been posted by Vlad Tepes and Gates of Vienna.


Make no mistake: These are not Germans (though I cannot guarantee there were absolutely no misguided Germans in the crowd). These were Muslims screaming their hatred of America, their hatred of Israel, and yes- their hatred of Jews.

It is to Angela Merkel's everlasting shame that she has allowed these types of scenes to return to Germany after the country had worked so hard to try and amend for the crimes of the Nazis. She has allowed hundreds of thousands of these people to enter her country unimpeded. These scenes are a reminder of Kristallnacht, that horrible night in 1938 when Nazis rampaged throughout Germany, burning synagogues. This scenes this week are something Germans never wanted repeated in their country. Now it has returned, not courtesy of neo-Nazis, but courtesy of Germany's exploding Muslim population, who have brought their age-old Jew hatred back to a country that never wanted to see such scenes again.

I can only pray that the horribly misguided Angela Merkel will not survive in office and that Germany can return to the days when she was trying to amend for the Holocaust.

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