Thursday, December 28, 2017

"No Justice, No Peas" at San Diego State

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San Diego State University

"The SDSU professors, who teach classes like “Geography of Food” and “Food Justice,” argue that “farmers’ markets are often white spaces where the food consumption habits of white people are normalized.”

San Diego State University is one of the most beautiful college campuses in the country. Yet, it features the same academic lunacy you find anywhere else. Take professors Pascale Joassart-Marcelli and Fernando J. Bosco, for example. If you take one of their courses in Food Justice, you can learn that those farmers markets you visit are bastions of white racism.

That's right.

Isn't it amazing how in our universities, they are finding ways to attack "whiteness" in more and more of our fields of study. It makes you wonder what they will think of next. Stand by.

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