Friday, December 29, 2017

Follow up on the Latest Murder in Germany

The defendant

Two days ago, Gates of Vienna reported the case of a 15-year-old German girl who was stabbed to death by an Afghan refugee of apparently the same age. Aside from the incident itself, there wasn't much else known at that time.

Now there is. The male, identified as Abdul D., came to Germany as an unaccompanied juvenile. (According to his picture, he looks older than 15 to me.) In addition, he was involved in a relationship with the girl, which she had broken off. Further, the girl's parents had lodged a complaint to the police about him prior to the death of their daughter.

This appears to be just another textbook illustration of how the German government under Angela Merkel has completely failed the German public. The death toll rises, the rape toll rises, the country awaits its next terror attack, and the Merkel government just keeps working to bring in more  and more of these animals. It totally defies logic.

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