Monday, December 18, 2017

Linda Sarsour's Feminist Creds Challenged

Hat tip Daily Caller

Oh No! Say it ain't so, Joe Linda!

“She oversaw an environment unsafe and abusive to women,” said Fethelbab, a former employee at the Arab American Association. “Women who put [Sarsour] on a pedestal for women’s rights and empowerment deserve to know how she really treats us.”

It seems the sexual harassment issue is coming full circle. Now a woman has come forth and charged feminist Muslima Linda Sarsour with covering for a man she accused of sexually harassing and groping her.

Of course, I have no way of knowing what the truth is behind the woman's accusations, but given the arrogance and leftist priorities of Sarsour, it sure seems to fit. She has worked hard in the past year to put herself out front in the public spotlight. That cuts both ways.


  1. As a feminist, it amazes me how she somehow became a spokesperson for feminism. It's like using a great white shark as a symbol for going vegan.

  2. I wish that was wrong, but it isn't. Obviously, there are a lot of exceptions to that statement but not nearly enough.

  3. I would say do the research. Go back and see how much organizations like NOW have spoken out about the abuse of women under Islam. With rare exceptions, they don't. And it is not enough to say that we can't control how they treat women in their own countries. They are doing it here. Muslim women in the West are entitled to the same rights and protections our own women enjoy.
