Monday, December 18, 2017

Disgusting Demonstration/Gang Rape in Stockholm/Malmo

Hat tip Vlad Tepes, and Fria Tider

On December 9, Muslims in Stockholm marched past the Israeli embassy and chanted , "Khaybar, Khabar o Jew, the armies of Mohammad are returning" as well as other anti-semitic chants. Along the way, they also chanted, "Long live Margot Wallström,"  Sweden's anti-Israel foreign minister. They called Jews "the descendants of cows, apes and pigs". All that was missing was "Heil Hitler". The video can be viewed at the below link.

So that's not disgusting enough for you?

In the Malmo area, a 17-year-old girl was reportedly gang raped by a group of Muslim men who
poured lighter fluid on her vagina and set her afire.

The conservative Swedish news outlet, Fria Tider reports that they called police who refused to confirm or deny reports that lighter fluid was poured on the girl's "abdomen" and set alight. They confirmed the rape and the fact that the girl was taken to the hospital with "mild injuries".

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