Friday, June 27, 2014

Feminism at its Extreme-Lierre Keith

Hat tip Daylight Disinfectant

Photograph of Lierre Keith.

Lierre Keith-Justin Bieber. Lierre is the one on the left.

I picked this up from my friends at Daylight Disinfectant, a blog in Oregon. It is a video of a feminist and Justin Bieber look-a-like named Lierre Keith, who spoke at a local library. Apparently, she favors the abolition of the white race and men themselves. The tape is about 4 1/2 minutes long, but worth a look if you want some chuckles.

Didn't you learn a lot? Fortunately, this was only in a library. I am sure she is also a regular on the university circuit.

1 comment:

  1. Sensible feminists know, you have to keep a small population of men around for breeding purposes, otherwise, there will be no more daughters.
