Friday, June 27, 2014

A Report on the Presbyterian Church USA's Opposition to Israel

Hat tip SPME

Scholars for Peace in the Middle East is a pro-Israel organization also devoted to fighting anti-Semitism on college campuses. In the interest of full disclosure, I have occasionally collaborated with them over the years.

Their board of directors has authored a piece on the recent activities of the Presbyterian Church USA, which supports Boycott, Divest and Sanctions measures against Israel and recently passed such a measure against three companies that do business with Israel.

"BDS supporters and self-proclaimed anti-Semites such as David Duke, far-right politician and former Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, offered congratulations to PC-USA for the resolution. Despite the PC-USA’s efforts to distance its decision from the broader BDS movement, Duke characterized their move more plainly as “Victory! Presbyterian Votes Israeli Divestment!”

"The debate was given a more explicit antisemitic tone by statements from participants, such as the vice moderator of the Middle East issues committee, who stated during morning devotions that ‘Jesus was not afraid to tell the Jews when they were wrong.’ Another BDS supporter attending the General Assembly posted on Facebook that “America is the Promised Land. We all know this. Come to the land of opportunity. Quit feeling guilt about what you are doing in Palestine, Jewish friends. Stop it. Come home to America!” The same individual also reposted an article celebrating the kidnapping of three Israeli teenagers."

I would say the Presbyterian Church USA needs top watch what friends they are keeping.

Fascinating how a Christian organization can overlook all the persecution of Christians going on around the world, much of it by Israel's neighbors, while Christians (and Muslims) are allowed to practice their religion freely in Israel. 

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