Monday, March 31, 2014

CNN Interviews Dianne Feinstein for no Explicable Reason

Hat tip Truth Revolt, Weasel Zippers and Frontpage Magazine

"I don't know."

CNN is embarrassing itself with its almost 24 hour coverage of the missing Malaysian jetliner-specially since there is absolutely nothing developing and the network anchors are basically reduced to asking the same experts and new experts the same questions.

Candy Crowley (filling in while Don Lemon catches a couple of winks) even brought in Senator Dianne Feinstein to tell her what she doesn't know.

I would have suggested that Candy ask the good senator about that letter she wrote commending Leland Yee co-conspirator Raymond "Shrimp Boy" Chow for "turning his life around", but CNN's viewers would have hardly understood the context since "The Most Trusted Name in News" has basically neglected to report the story of the liberal California gun-control, gun-running state senator, who has been busted by the FBI.

1 comment:

  1. The hypocrisy is stupefying. The leftist media is a disgrace for not covering this story.
