Sunday, March 30, 2014

Anjem Choudary: "Washington Mudslide Was Act of Allah"

Hat tip Atlas Shrugs

Anjem "the Bearded Clam" Choudary with his gang of thugs

The man who will probably be the next king of England is now raving that the mudslide in Washington state was "an act of Allah". No, we are not talking about Prince Charles or Prince William. We are talking about Prince Anjem, the Puke of London, the human mudslide himself.

This clown has managed to displace even Prince Charles as the poster boy for what a joke the UK has become in eyes of the world. And guess what. The guy (who has a a law degree) and his miserable family are supported by the British government, free house and all!

Pity Britain.


  1. Actually, it was an act of stupidity, in that geologists had filed reports over ten years ago that a major mudslide would happen in that area, and were shocked to find years later that rather than people being evacuated and relocated, new homes were being built and sold.

    Sort of like, people continue to deny that the global temperature is rising, or that people are suffering as a result, and will continue to do so until substantial numbers are killed by some acute episode.

    What Anjem doesn't understand is, what God has actually revealed to us is mostly common sense, and sins generally carry their own punishment. E.g., if you sleep around, you pick up various diseases that chaste married people simply aren't exposed to. Or, if you dig latrines, your army doesn't die of epidemics while encamped outside enemy cities.

    Anjem Choudary, Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, Meir Kahane... birds of a feather.

  2. Siarlys,

    Once again, you miss the point. Choudary is a dirtbag.

  3. More likely the deaths of over 100,000 people in Syria were the responsibility of Allah. Also Allah can be thanked for the tsunami in S.E. Asia and the daily atrocities around the world.


  4. Choudary is a dirtbag... is that statement subject to empirical testing? More to the point, does it mean we don't have to dissect in factual detail how wrong he is, because, well, he's a dirtbag, what more is there to say?
