Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Another Fool Attacking Clarence Thomas

Clarence Thomas told a college audience in West Palm Beach this week that he has been treated worse by northern elites then he was while growing up in segregated Georgia. From the below link (Washington Times), you can also see what some fool representative in the Alabama State House said about Thomas being married to a white woman.

Here is Frontpage Magazine's take on the flap.

So Mr Holmes says he was misquoted. I am sure that can be straightened out by going to the tape as they say. But while we are trying to determine if Holmes said, "boy" or "Roy", let me just say that while Holmes may not qualify as a northern elite, he exemplifies the vitriol that has been thrown at Justice Thomas since his ugly confirmation hearings.

Thomas has every basis to make the claim that northern elites have treated him worse than anything he encountered growing up in Georgia. We can start with the Democrats who were on that Senate confirmation committee like Howard Metzenbaum. I watched those hearings on TV and it was just plain disgusting what went on. I don't know how much of what Anita Hill testified to was true, but there was hardly any real corroboration. Based on what was presented, there wasn't enough evidence to put a dog in the pound.

And ever since, Thomas has been attacked. This is what happens to black conservatives who don't toe the party line. They get attacked by the liberal white elites, and they get attacked by guys like Alvin Holmes down in Montgomery, Alabama. The higher black conservative go and the more successful they are, the more they attacked.

This past week, that college professor from Georgetown, Michael Eric Dyson, came to speak at UC Irvine as part of a Martin Luther King event. Dyson is an MSNBC regular commentator. I debated whether to go and hear him and eventually decided not to. It was an evening event, and besides, I know what he has to say because I hear him spewing his victimology on MSNBC. According to the campus paper article, he made some references to Martin Luther King having sexist attitudes towards women. OK, we know that. We still honor what he achieved in civil rights. God only knows what Dyson would say about Clarence Thomas. I'm sure it would not be very complimentary.

The point to be made here is that there is no more intellectually courageous people in this country than black conservatives. Ten of this guy Holmes in Alabama would not one Clarence Thomas make.


  1. As I recall from reading his biography, Clarence Thomas grew up in segregated Florida. Most of the attacks on Clarence Thomas are foolish, because they obscure the real reason he was unqualified to be confirmed for the Supreme Court: he didn't have much understanding of the law. Or, as he described it himself in his autobiography, he was asked a lot of questions about jurisprudence and precedent, and he didn't know how to answer them. Why they went and dragged in Anita Hill when they had his own deficiencies plainly in the record I'll never understand.

  2. Siarlys,

    You are wrong. He grew up in Georgia. In my conservative view he has shown a good understanding of the law as a Supreme Court justice.

  3. Just one more example (as if we needed one) of what a one-way street race has become in
    America, allowed by some and encouraged by others. I would agree with the comment in one link as to when Obama is going to call this idiot stupid.
