Monday, January 27, 2014

Sweden-The Country That Never Learns

Hat tip Jihad Watch

In a perverse sort of way, one almost wishes that Sweden had gone through Nazi occupation in World War II rather than sitting it out as a neutral. Then they might have learned what real Nazis were. Instead the ever-peace-loving Swedes are living under a new occupation, and they don't have a clue what to do about it.

Muddle on Sweden, but save your lectures to the rest of us and your indignation towards Israel. Unlike you, they learned their lesson.

1 comment:

  1. Unbelievable!

    First a culture that condones, in fact, institutionalized rape. and next, an ancient warrior nation that now allows foreigners to rape their women.

    It is yet another in a long list of countries that has embraced socialism, leftism, progressivenism, and all its variants and permutations.

    It is suicidal.
