Monday, January 27, 2014

A Rabbi Calls Out an Over-The-Hill Rocker

Every time I go to one of these college events featuring some advocate of the boycott of Israel like Omar Barghouti, I hear the name Roger Waters thrown out as some distinguished person who supports the idea of a boycott. Like who the hell is Roger Waters? Turns out he is or was a member of the old rock band Pink Floyd.

It also turns out that his hatred for Israel is visceral. So visceral it crosses over into out and out Jew hatred. In the below article in the New York Observer, Rabbi Schuley Boteach blasts Waters and gives him a bit of history in response to Waters comparison of Israelis to Nazis.

Well stated, Rabbi.

1 comment:

  1. I wonder if Roger Waters is even aware of the facts Rabbi Boteach wrote about. The history can obviously be proven yet he is ignorant about them.

    I am mildly curious about the source of Waters' antisemitism.
