Friday, January 31, 2014

American History at UC Davis

In May 2013 UC Irvine professor Sohail Daulatzai spoke before the University of California at Davis Muslim Student Association. I have cross-posted the videos (in three parts) from YouTube. Daulatzai's talk had to do with his hero, Malcolm X, civil rights, Muslims, and the US. The videos I found were labeled parts one, two and three. They may be disjointed, and I am not sure when the video camera was actually started as the actual beginning of the talk appears to be missing. No matter. You can get the full flavor of the talk.

A few days before this appearance, Daulatzai was speaking at UC Irvine in front of the Muslim Student Union as part of their annual Israel-hate week. This is where I confronted him on an article he had written on Malcolm X in which he said some very harsh things about America. That led to my question to him as to "which he hated more, Israel or America?" (He didn't like that.)

I think you will find that the below video puts it in clearer context.



"...and I write about this in the book."

This is what our children are hearing in college, Folks. (Actually, it doesn't look like he had a very big audience.)

By the way, Mr Daulatzai, once you read this ( and I know you will), you are free to weigh in here and express your thoughts. I will post whatever you care to write.


  1. Siarlys,

    Take the time to listen to this guy. He is a Pakistani immigrant who fashions himself as an expert on the US Civil Rights Movement. He says things like the US Civil Rights Movement was about our govt. convincing the Third World that we could treat our blacks fairly-all in the interests of continuing colonialism. Further that certain elements of black America made a pact with the US Government for civil rights advances in exchange for supporting the US Govt's anti-Communism efforts. This is really great stuff!

  2. I understand that you can now take a class at Rutgers on Beyoncé, titled I believe "Politicizing Beyoncé". Can a Beyoncé major be far behind??

    And, wonders of wonders, this machine of mine automatically put the little diacritical mark over the "e" like I assume it is also supposed to do with Toure, but it obviously doesn't. Is that discriminatory??

  3. And who do you think believes him? Or takes him seriously?

    Beyonce ugly.

    elwood, are you concerned that your software discriminates against African nationalists in favor of American ladies? (Blogger software apparently doesn't do diacriticals).

  4. Not at all concerned, just curious as to why it is that way. Must be the sperm whale theory in action.
