Friday, January 31, 2014

Pearls of Wisdom From Prince Charles


"Once a prince, always a prince"

Prince Charles, that pretender to the English throne, the man who has done absolutely nothing with his life except live on a feathered pillow, travel around the world, and live off the British tax-payer while waiting for his mother, the Queen, to die, has now offered up this pontification on the topic of Global Warming:

He has called GW deniers, "the headless chicken brigade", or some such rot.

Too bad Charlie wasn't on a  state visit to the colonies last week so he could have clasped his hands behind his back, traced the steps of General Cornwallis, and inspected the winter ice in New York and other places.

No wonder Britain is sinking into the muck and mire.


  1. Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.

  2. Yeah, but it is therefore correct for only a total of two minutes out of any given day, or approximately 0.14% of the time.

    Is this in any way analogous to a blind hog occasionally finding acorns?? Just curious.
