Thursday, December 26, 2013

While Obama's in Hawaii, He Might Want to.....

Fix the Hawaii roll out apparatus for Obamacare.

                                                                        (Oregon Duck)

Yes, Folks. Hawaii is having its problems with its own state roll out operation. It's so bad the head of the state's branch for implementing Obamacare, the curiously named Hawaii Health Connector, has resigned -or been forced to resign. Here's more on that:

"Hawaii Health Connector received $200 million in federal funding to set up the website and network of more than 30 providers where individuals and small businesses can sign up for health care through local insurers and find out about tax credits and federal subsidies.
The website, developed by CGI Group, cost $53 million, but failed on its launch Oct. 1."

As noted above, to make things worse, the same company that set up Hawaii's roll out plan was guess who--CGI Federal, the same Canada-based company that made such a mess of things nationwide.

Meanwhile, in Oregon, guess how many have successfully enrolled for Obamacare state-wide. Here's a hint:

And this is just the roll out. Massive amounts of money spent for this!!?? In fact, the roll out is the least of the problems. Over 5 million have LOST their insurance, and this number will rise dramatically. The entire plan-the entire concept- is flawed and is already showing its destructive effects.

And yet, this president and his incompetent, ideologically-driven secretary of Health and Human Services, Kathleen Sebelius and aided in the Senate and House by Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi respectively, continue to push full speed ahead with this train wreck. Thanks a lot, Mr President!

"We thank our Fuehrer"

                                                                       (Our Fuehrer)


  1. Obamacare will be "the gift that keeps on giving" for the Republicans in 2014.


  2. The actual number that lost their insurance due to Obamacare's design, is 6,000,000 individual plans. But, what is not said, is the fact that most of the individual plans are for families. The multiplier for these individual plans is "three". So the actual number of citizens loosing healthcare due to Obama, Reid, Pelosi, Sebelius and the ACA minions is 18,000,000. Now, take this further to the small business healthcare plans which will not qualify under ACA, which is an estimated 40 million, multiplied by three and one gets: 120 million additional uninsured. This totals to 180 million people without healthcare in order to cover 30 million uninsured claimed by the ACA. All this for the greater good.


  3. Come on, Gary. Where's your heart? Obama' s INTENTIONS are good, so what difference does the result make? Somebody else will pay for all the waste and incompetence.

    We are soon to be driven by an army of civil servants who will direct every aspect of our lives because their intentions are better than our ours. It won't be that long before the ruling class civil servants will cease to be servants or civil.

  4. I forgot to ask if anyone figured out how much the cost to advertise this thing worked out per person enrolled.

    It might have been cheaper to just give them the money than to disrupt the insurance for the 300 million others who were fine with their policies. Then again, it wasn't THEIR money they were spending. THEY didn't have to cost justify anything to anyone. So spend and do what it takes to FORCE people to do what YOU think is best for them.

    That's the LEFT for you. They like something, they FORCE you to like it. They don't like something they make it ILLEGAL for you.

    How problematical it is that we have an electorate who is so uniformed on issues, so ignorant of history, so uncomprehending of consequences, that they would elect a man who was on the farthest left of his own party, had the least experience in either government or the private sector, and was an ideologue on top of it. Now he is filling his pockets with goodies at the buffet table.

    At least we now have a standard of the worst for the future. People will be able to say, "Well, it was worse under Obama."

  5. Moral: don't put all your eggs in one basket. So fire the incompetent and let's get this show on the road.

    Miggie, the people working the phones at 1-800-318-2596 are most civil, working very hard to serve those stymied by the CGI computer, and anxious to get signed up.
