Friday, December 27, 2013

Richard Falk Rushes to the Defense of the ASA

Hat tip JJ

This is a good indicator of just how ethically bankrupt the American Studies Association is. As the backlash against their hypocritical resolution calling for an academic boycott of Israel intensifies, they bring in none other than UN Rapporteur (or is it racconteur) Richard Falk to defend them.

Falk is so bad that even the hapless UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon rejected his comments when he blamed the Boston bombing on US policies and our support for Israel.

Great move, ASA.


  1. A foolish tempest in a teapot. These people took themselves seriously, and are shocked to discover nobody else does. Well, nobody except Fousesquawk, which is always ready to give publicity to nut jobs who are starve for it. Every conclave producing an impotent resolution against Israel is a potential Munich beer hall, right? (Oh, wait, that was a miserable failure too). Every conclave producing an impotent resolution against Israel is a potential election for the Reichstag followed by a suspicious fire? I don't think so. Where's Ludendorf anyway?

  2. From Richard Falk to Ludendorf. Very good, Siarlys.

  3. First time as tragedy, second time as farce.
