Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Omar "the Ingrate" Barghouti is coming to UC Irvine

"One person's hate speech is another person's education."

If you want to see a true hypocrite and ingrate, come to UC Irvine on February 4 and listen to Qatari national Omar Barghouti, who has received his higher education in Israel, come and tell us why we should support the Boycott, Divest, and Sanctions movement against Israel. He will be speaking on the invitation of the UCI Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), an organization basically made up of members of the Muslim Student Union and some other assorted useful idiots.

Barghouti has been featured in Frontpage Magazine (which is probably his greatest achievement). The below article tells you all you need to know about him.

And of course, Barghouti has the requisite hang-ups about "white people".

(Ho hum. What else is new?)

Even the SJP flyer can only describe him as a Palestinian human rights activist. Not much of a resume.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the heads up.

    A much more interesting talk for people who are really working for peace is going to be given the same day on campus by Gershon Baskin.

    Not surprising that the SJP would have this douchebag who hides behind progressive values and whose goal is to destroy Israel as a homeland for the Jewish people give his talk the same day. They will get into their little group think that Israelis are Nazis and such and such and BDS is the solution to end the occupation. I am for ending the occupation but for them the occupation is all of Israel including Israel proper.

    The truth is that the two state solution is the best solution and that requires trust building and dialogue - BDS is counterproductive because it creates division and a single state is not going to be a reality. Might as well say the US and Mexico should be one state.
