Wednesday, January 30, 2013

More Selective Editing by Liberal Media

Hat tip Hot Air

"A father's grief is interrupted by hecklers."

-MSNBC's Martin Bashir as he showed an edited version of a film clip

Once again, our liberal mainstream media has been caught editing videos to twist a news story. I picked up on this last night watching that horse's ass, Piers Morgan, still on his crusade against guns in America as he interviewed the father of one of the Sandy Hook victims, Neil Heslin. Mr Heslin is in the news this week over his testimony before a public meeting in Hartford in which some gun advocates are accused of heckling him. In  his conversation with Morgan, Mr Heslin said he didn't take it that way and also stated that he has no problem with the Second Amendment; he just doesn't feel that people need assault weapons to protect themselves.

Nevertheless, the usual suspects at outlets like Huffington Post and MSNBC have resorted to clipping the video of Mr Heslin's remarks in Hartford to make it appear he was interrupted by hecklers when such was not the case. In the below Hot Air post, you can access the reports by Huffpo and MSNBC. Then view the below video, which comes from Twitchy via Hot Air. The relevant portion begins at the 15-minute mark. Apparently, NBC News is the original culprit here.

No wonder Mr Heslin didn't take it as heckling. He was addressing the audience challenging them to give reasons why anyone needed assault weapons. When nobody responded, initially, he commented that no one could give him an answer. It was at that point that a few people responded, but it was not heckling.

This is in no way a rebuke of Mr Heslin, but it is a rebuke of dishonest media who choose to edit clips to distort their reporting of news. With NBC, it is one of their specialties.

Or have we forgotten the notorious George Zimmerman 911 call tape?


  1. Well, any such reporting has the faint rationale that when people did speak up, the chair ruled the comments out of order, although, they were only offered in response to Heslin saying nobody in the room had an answer... an understandable mess, procedurally, and, not particularly edifying for anyone.

  2. Siarlys,

    Maybe the meeting and the exchange itself was a mess, but what do you have to say about NBC editing the video to give a totally false impression to viewers? This is how public opinion is formed. Can you really excuse this?

  3. There is editing, and then there is editing. This kind of stuff is deliberately done to distort the facts and thereby affect that public opinion that Gary mentioned, to slant it toward the liberal view (and vote).

    Depending on what you watch or read or listen to, many many people never even know what the truth is, and act accordingly. Inexcusable.

  4. Maybe they believe it. How much public opinion is formed by NBC, or Fox for that matter? I'm sure some of the nonsense run on Fox, which self-styled "liberals" object to, is earnestly believed by those who offer it to the public.

    I don't believe the liberal media -- and that includes Fox.

  5. The essential issue here is not who runs what, but editing. ALL media outlets routinely edit; the significance seems to me to be the apparent motivation(s) involved. The motivation behind this NBC/MSNBC stuff is apparent to anyone with even a room temperature (on a warm day) IQ.

    It is one thing to edit something, emphasizing one side of the question and minimizing the other, depending on political persuasion. It is quite another to selectively edit to deliberately make it appear that something occurred which did not in fact happen (alleged but not actual heckling, Zimmerman’s supposed racial remarks which were in response to a specific question by the 911 dispatcher relative to the race of Martin, forged military records, etc.).

    With some frequency, commentators on most outlets cast barbs at each other from time to time for various perceived errors or misstatements. Nothing new about that. Please help me here, but I cannot recall a single instance of anyone’s having shown that Fox ever distorted ANY accounts via the editing process to anywhere near the extent as demonstrated here, if in fact at all.

    As to the secondary issue of who runs what, I believe we can probably agree that Fox is essentially “conservative” and the remainder of network/cable “news” outlets are essentially “liberal”. In addition to reading all kinds of stuff, I selectively (with surfing) watch Fox, CNN, and MSNBC with some frequency and NBC, CBS, and ABC with much less.

    In that regard, while it may just be me and others surely may view it differently, I most definitely get significantly more “liberal” exposure on Fox than “conservative” exposure on any of the others. Not even close, in my book.

    And Siarlys, as to believing the media, my father had two sayings; “I don’t believe anything that I hear, and only half of what I see”, and “I won’t believe it until I read it in the newspaper”.

  6. Elwood,

    Your observations on Fox are correct. Do the other networks have as many conservatives as Fox has liberals? No way. With Fox you get honest debate. The most conservative one, Hannity, debates every day. Can we say that about the mad-hatters at MSNBC? When have you heard Maddow or Sharpton or Shultz debate someone from the other side?

    And yet, there is a concerted effort to actually drive Fox off the air. If that happens, what will we have? On TV, nothing.
