Friday, November 2, 2012

Evergreen College Says Transgender Man Can Shower With Girls

Evergreen College in Washington state is a very liberal college. They are so liberal they can't figure out how to keep a guy with male genitalia (now isn't that an intriguing term?) out of the girls' shower room.

"The coach later apologized when she discovered the man was transgendered but explained there were girls using the facility as young as six years old who weren’t used to seeing male genitals."

While Evergreen is busy apologizing to this guy, they might want to keep in mind two simple words.....

Penn State


  1. Now I'm really glad I didn't go to Evergreen in 1972.

    There is a simple answer to this guy: "In your heart, you know you're a lady, but when they see your dick, these girls think you're a man."

  2. How about the next time he tries this stunt the girls pull his balls off saying he tried to rape them?

    Sex change over.
