Thursday, August 30, 2012

Siraj Wahhaj and the Democratic Convention in Charlotte

Hat tip to Frontpage Magazine and Creeping Sharia

Siraj Wahhaj

This article is another in a series of postings that describe who the Democratic National Convention will be coordinating with in their up-coming convention in Charlotte. The below article in Frontpage Magazine by Laura Rubenfeld gives some background on Siraj Wahhaj, one of the coordinators of Islamic events in conjunction with the DNC.

Over a year ago, I took part in a public protest in Yorba Linda when Wahhaj joined with Amir Abdel Malik Ali in speaking for a fundraiser for the Islamic Circle of North America-another organization connected to the Muslim Brotherhood.  We were protesting the presence of these two hate-mongers, who were the featured speakers (Wahhaj and Ali). We took a lot of heat because some folks showed up with their own agenda and heckled the attendees. CAIR edited a video to make it appear that these folks were acting in conjunction with our speakers. Of course, we don't know to this day what Ali and Wahhaj told their own audience because outsiders were not allowed.

Amir Abdel Malik Ali at UC Irvine with yours truly

Once again, I cross-post a link from Creeping Sharia, where you can listen to words spoken by Wahhaj in his Brooklyn mosque.

Speaking of Creeping Sharia, here is their latest reaction to Wahhaj's appearance with the Democrats in Charlotte.

I hope Wahhaj gets maximum exposure in Charlotte. Then the Democrats can explain to the American people why they are associating with a man who was linked to the Blind Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman, who testified in his defense, and who talks about arming jihadists in the inner cities with Uzis

1 comment:

  1. I have attended a Wahhaj event and many Malik Ali events. They are both Jew haters, anti-Semitic, anti-Israel, anti-Zionist and anti-America. Now we hear that Wahhaj will do a two hour, Friday opening at the DNC. Makes sense as Obama assisted in the Muslim Brotherhood take-over of Egypt. Wahhaj is part of the Muslim Brotherhood and expect to see more of this America hater who preaches the Islamist take-over of our country by Islam if Obaa is re-elected
    At the RNC, we saw a Rabbi open the session, with the DNC, we get Islamists opening the DNC session.

