Thursday, August 30, 2012

Afghanistan: Why They Kill Our Troops

Hat tip Daily Caller

Andrew Bostom, writing in Daily Caller, has a sobering analysis of why our troops are being murdered by their Afghan "allies". This post contains an unclassified military report that has to lead us to question why we remain in Afghanistan at all.

Let me be clear: We had to go into Afghanistan after 9-11 kill Al Qaeda, and drive the Taliban from power. We did that. Yet, the Taliban and other related fighters are still operating in Afghanistan and Pakistan. I do not criticize President Obama's policy of targeted drone attacks against the bad guys.

However, if we are also engaging in nation-building and trying to establish some sort of stable government and military that will defend the country for the various evil forces, we are on fool's errand. As I have said before, nobody will ever make Afghanistan into Switzerland. It is a backward, uncivilized place, but it's way of life is not subject to reform or change. In the end, we will pull out, just like the Soviets, and the country will be a haven for terrorists and a place where women live in unspeakable conditions under the harshest and most barbaric application of Islam and sharia law. There is nothing that we can do about it. This is not Germany, nor is it Japan post-World War II.

Read this unclassified report. It lays out what the soldiers are having to put up with. And as long as they are there, more of them will be murdered by their so-called "comrades in arms", who hate them. In the final anaylsus, it is religion that matters. These people do not want infidels in their country-especially as soldiers.

I should also mention that DEA has a considerable presence in Afghanistan. They are trying to get farmers and local leaders to get rid of the opium crops. That too, will fail.

It is time to declare victory and come home. Set up a place in the region from which to launch drone striukes when we locate the  bad guys. Let the Russians invade them all over again, and let them have the headache. As simplistic as it sounds, it is time to isolate these nations. Build a wall around them. Nobody gets in and nobody gets out..

The soldiers who died attacking that country and driving al Qaida and the Taliban from power did not die in vain. In my view, those who are dying now at the hands of Afghan soldiers are dying in vain.

Enough with Afghanistan

1 comment:

  1. "It is time to declare victory and come home."

    Hear! Hear!

    We should have done that six months after we went in.

    On our way out, we should arm those local village council who are driving out the Taliban but want nothing to do with Karzai. Not stay and fight for them. Just give them everything we can't take home with us.
