Friday, May 25, 2012

Al Gore and Van Jones Together in Lunacy

(No, that's not Van Jones.)

Have you heard this one?

What happens when you put Al Gore and van Jones together?

Wait. You haven't even heard the punch line yet.

Truth is no punch line could be funnier than the question. But here is the answer (hat tip to Daily Caller).

Just think what might have happened had Al Gore been elected president. He might have given Jones a job in the administration-like Green Jobs Czar, for example.


  1. At least Gore would have continued paying down the national debt, 2001-2007, instead of doubling it as Bush did.

    "Giving the surplus back to the people" doesn't cut it when the people are carrying a $5 trillion mortgage.

    Oh, but "Reagan proved that deficits don't matter," didn't he?

  2. The deficits were largely thanks tol Congressional spending.

  3. Al Gore continues to present the "man made global warming" scam as tuth. But Gore does not know what truth is. Can one imagine, he was a "chad" away from being in the White House.
    Although, when it comes to Obama, count on 58,000 dead Florida zombies voting in the next election and more EPA job killing regulations to destroy coal, purchase more Saudi oil, kill pipelines and fund bogus alternative energy companies so they can go bankrupt, making the manufactured "Bain" issue look like the story of Bambi.


  4. Don't pretend to be such a fool Gary... we know you're not dumb enough to believe that.

    The five billion dollar deficit that was in place in 2000 was run up by five or more presidents. Ronald Reagan presented deficit budgets of increasing magnitude to congress. (The quote about Reagan came from that well known big-spending liberal, Dick Cheney).

    Clinton was starting to pay the debt down. To pay an accumulated debt, you must generate a budget surplus, and apply the surplus to debt payment.

    Bush reversed course, proposed huge deficits, got them passed by congresses in which one or both houses were controlled by his own party... and DOUBLED the size of the debt.

    And Squid... learn some geography. You can't tell Florida from Chicago.

  5. Ah yes, how happy we are (or at least I am) that Bush and SCOTUS stole the election from Gore and appointed Bush to POTUS.

  6. @ Siarlys,

    Let me teach you a helpful skill. It is called "Global Awareness" This is the abiliy to put puzzle pieces together from the periphery and form an important concept. You mentioned "You can't tell Florida from Chicago", as a slight to me, when in fact, there is a connection. The Gary's story mentions Van Jones, the 'Commie' Green Czar and Gore who almost became the POTUS. This is the connection: Gore was part of the trillion dollar "Chicago Climate Exchange" (Obama was too) that would use the psuedo science of Anthropomorphic Global Warming as the basis to impose carbon credit crap on everyone in the nation that would make Gore a trillionaire. The Gore POTUS would havefoud a way to make this happen. Get it now? Chicago and Florida chads. Of course, that takes "Global Awareness" to put the picture together.


  7. Sounds like a good sci-fi plot Squid. Do you have any more reputable documentation for this fantasy than the last half dozen murky speculations and occasional documentable lies you've put forth here?

    Seriously man, evidence? Anything?
