Friday, April 27, 2012

Will Boehner Support Contempt Citation Against Holder?

Hat tip Daily Caller

Daily Caller is reporting that Darrell Issa (R-CA) has less than solid support from Speaker John Boehner on the questiuon of holding Eric Holder in contempt for his contiuned refusal to turn over more than 70,000 documents requested by Congress pertaining to the Fast and Furious scandal.

If Boehner tries to stop this contempt citation, I say it's time for the Republican to find a new speaker.


  1. Well whaddya know?? Just the other day I urged someone somewhere to get some guts and do exactly this, and now it is at least being talked about.

    Concur with Gary that Boehner should be out if he doesn't do it, but I fear it may be something like the "nuclear option" in the Senate, where no one has the nerve to actually implement it due to future adverse effects when the majority changes, as it always does in time.

  2. Boehner is not particularly bright, and he is quite manipulative, but when he sees a glass that is totally empty, he is not so politically naive as to pretend that it is half full. He wants sound bytes that might actually fool some of the people all of the time, or all of the people some of the time. Issa is delusional if he thinks he has any such thing. This has been shouted from the roof tops, and it just hasn't caught on with even the more gullible segments of public opinion. It is a non-starter, and Boehner must know it.

  3. elwood p sugginsMay 1, 2012 at 7:39 AM

    To some people, winning is not everything, let alone the only thing, that matters. In my view, this is something like the Clinton impeachment. The House was completely justified in impeaching him, even knowing out front that the Senate would never ever convict/remove him. Some would no doubt call that stupidity. I call it character, integrity, and principle, which still count in some circles, although not as often as they used to.
