Wednesday, February 29, 2012

More Perjury From Eric Holder on Fast and Furious

Attorney General Eric Holder
2011 Fousesquawk "Jerk of the Year"

Hat tip to Daily Caller

Tuesday, Eric Holder was testifying before Congress on budget issues (He probably needs more money to fight that challenge to the contraceptive coverage issue, which he vows to defend). He was asked about Fast and Furious. Not only did he continue to commit perjury, he pounded the table for emphasis. ('"Once this was brought to my attention, I stopped it-I stopped it.") Daily Caller and Fox News have the story and the video.

False. He continued it-even after learning that Border Patrol agent Brian Terry had been killed by one of the concerned weapons in December 2010. Not only did he continue it, he originated it. Then there was that  letter DOJ sent to Issa's committee on February 4, 2011, which had to be withdrawn because it was shown to be demonstrably false. Holder still clings to the fiction that Fast and Furious was merely a continuation of Operation Wide Receiver, which was conducted and discontinued during the Bush administration once they discovered that some weapons-even though fitted with trackers- had eluded surveillance and found their way into Mexico.

Of course, Holder has dug himself so deep into the perjury hole, he might as well go all the way. He also knows that once Congress gets their hands on those 80,000 documents that the DOJ Inspector General has in its possession, the game will be over. That will be the equivalent of the Nixon tapes.



  1. There is no evidence that Holder was not telling the truth, aside from your own wishful thinking.

  2. Were not his lips moving??

  3. Or should I have said, Were his lips not moving??

  4. Siarlys,

    If you would read the articles, you would see the evidence. I have pointed it out.
