Tuesday, February 28, 2012

"Conflict Resolution" at UCLA

Hat tip to Campus Watch

How sad when a major university, instead of teaching real subjects to students, has to devote so much time to the subject of "Conflict Resolution". Look what is happening at UCLA.


Here is what Myers said about Israel in an op-ed back in 2006.


Well, what better way of resolving conflicts then by having them resolved by two guys with similar views?


  1. Quote from the article: "On one side we have a professor who believes Israel should no longer exist as a Jewish state, and on the other a professor who also believes Israel should no longer exist as a Jewish state.

    Looks like there won't be any conflicts to resolve after all."

    Some debate! Another demonstration of how low academia has sunk.
    Sorry, Gary

  2. http://www.tedxucirvine.com/index.html

    Anyone have an up to date scoop about the TEDxUCIrvine event?

    They have one of the Irvine 11 students listed as one of the people who will give a talk.

    The OC Weekly reported that he was dropped.

    I'd like to attend this event to hear several of the speakers.

    However, I cannot attend an event if the event is going to provide a platform to someone who garnered fame by going to a lecture with the intent to shut down the lecture and who still does not understand nor acknowledge the tactics that he and his friends used was improper.

  3. The OC Weekly updated their page. He will not be speaking at the TED event.

    I am registered to attend TEDxUC Irvine, so I am very pleased to see this news.

    If one of the students who disrupted Michael Oren's talk want to talk at UC Irvine, they are free to do so at the free speech zones on the campus or he can work with the MSU to reserve a lecture hall. TED is not the appropriate venue.

  4. fullerton taxpayerMarch 1, 2012 at 5:31 AM

    Decades ago, one of my history professors made this same point when he asked what is the difference between a bachelor of arts in English and bachelor of arts in Communication? It was his rhetorical question because after a short pause he said" a degree in English teaches a person how to communicate, communications teaches you there is something called English language. his and now my point, is the traditional academic Humanities studies encompasses all aspects of society and forces a deeper understanding of societal issues. splinter academic disciplines offer a narrow-minded view of the world and only allow short-sighted solutions to society's woes. Unfortunately for us, these same recipients of these narrow-minded majors often seek careers in government where he or she only excels in passing laws, supporting policies and further expanding the power of totally bloated government over us.

  5. Taxpayers,

    The time where a student reeived all points of view on a college campus has passed. It is the liberal, politically-correct, post-colonial view that is taught. Stand up against it at your peril. That isn't hard for me in my stage of life and circumstance because I don't care what anyone else thinks, and I don't care if they fire me. (I am retired and don't need the job.)

    For a student however it takes a degree of courage to speak out.
