Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Denmark: Now the Hare Krishnas Are Being Attacked

Hat tip to Europe News (DK) and Uriasposten

I am not exactly a big fan of the Hare Krishnas, especially when they try to "give" me their books at the airport, but now it seems that they have something in common with other religions-at least if you consider what happened recently in Copenhagen.


Ironic, isn't it? Now the Krishnas are being told not to wear Krishna garb, just like the Jews. Isn't it amazing what has happened to Europe-again?


  1. Remind me again Gary... what is your position on women wearing chadors, niqabs, or burkas, in Europe, or otherwise covering their face?

    (Lighten up Findalis... Muslims have been the friends and protectors of Jews for more centuries than Christians have been.)

  2. Findalis, that refers to atheists and polytheists: those who believe no in The God. Also, you overlook the verse which says there shall be no compulsion in religion. Like the Tanach, and the New Testament, the Qu'ran can conveniently be cherry picked to support the agenda of any given speaker, whether a fanatical adherent or a fanatical opponent.

    The monotheistic faiths have had their little spats since their inception. This includes the Jewish invocation to expel Christians from the synagogue, and let them be blotted out, Christian condemnation of Jews for refusing the long-promised Messiah, Muslim suppression of one or the other, usually not both at once... after all, it was the Jewish population that helped the Muslims win Jerusalem, and the Muslims who allowed the Jews back into the city, from which both pagan and Christian Romans had banned them.
