On May 7, 2009, the Orange County Human Relations Commisssion honored the UC-Irvine Olive Tree Initiative at its annual awards event.
And what an event it was. The below document was obtained as part of a public records request.
Here is my question: The Orange County Human Relations Commission, under the leadership of its empty-suit CEO, Rusty Kennedy, receives $300,000 in tax payer money every year, courtesy of the OC Board of Supervisors. If they are getting $5,000 per table at their awards dinners, they obviously are dealing in big bucks on their own. Why do they need $300,000 from the tax-payers every year?

You have a good point about the money. But as long as the OCHRC is in the awards business, I applaud them for recognizing the excellent work of OTI. We agree in this matter on the structural parameters of government -- this is work for voluntary citizen advocacy, not taxpayer-funded officials -- but we differ on what we would voluntarily recognize as good.